Caustic Reverie - Collapse of Rigel

"Collapse of Rigel" opens with subtle, quiet drones, immediately invoking a sense of space and tranquility. Gradually, a shift towards darkness takes place, as the bass tones intensify and envelop the listener's senses.

Despite the growing darkness, the track maintains a prevailing lighter tone, creating a delicate equilibrium within the composition. As the song progresses, tentative retrosynth tones make their entrance, adding a touch of nostalgia and intrigue to the overall atmosphere.

One of the notable strengths of the track is its ability to maintain a balanced soundscape, where no element dominates or overshadows the others. Instead, each component exists harmoniously, allowing the listener to immerse themselves in the music without distraction.

"Collapse of Rigel" embodies the notion that within the vast expanse of the universe, everything is interconnected and equal. It captures the essence of cosmic forces, from explosive destruction to ethereal creation, while emphasizing that these phenomena are beyond the grasp of human comprehension. At least this is how I feel it...

Overall, this ambient composition is a refined and serene piece best enjoyed in a cozy wing chair, with good headphones, during the evening hours. Silence is always worth it.


Suitable for: Wing chair and headphone owner, Lovers of spacy Ambient



Collapse of Rigel on Spotify


Through Time and Space in a Wing Chair...

A Review by Chris Alias, May 26, 2023

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