Death By Drone - The Serpent Sky

The Lurking Death...

To begin with, I must confess that the name of the ambient combination, whose track I will discuss below, immediately captured my attention on the forum I occasionally visit. "Death by Drone" has the potential for diverse interpretations in numerous aspects.

Since we are  a music portal, I would like to delve deeper into the characteristics of the track "The Serpent Sky." The album cover showcases an expedition in an icy, frigid environment, enhanced by the presence of Cyrillic script. This evokes connections to The Dyatlov Pass incident, and the soundtrack effectively complements that association.

The presence of spherical pads and, most importantly, a minimalistic yet captivating rhythm section draws me closer to the seemingly impassable mountain range. The skillful application of effects and melodies guarantees that this is more than just a horrifying experience. It transports me into a somber dreamlike realm from which there seems to be no escape, yet it's unlikely that our demise will occur within these boundaries. Even if it were to happen, it would be through the medium of musical drones. Undoubtedly, there are more dreadful fates than that. Overall, this captivating piece of mystical film music offers great variation and suspense without overwhelming the listener.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates enigmatic and dark cinematic music.
Let's go to the Urals!



The Serpent Sky on Spotify



A Review by Mark Lexington,  July 02, 2023

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