Ernest Strauhal - Thread Organ

"Thread Organ" by Ernest Strauhal is an ambient track that offers a refreshing take on the genre. From the onset, a high drone grabs the listener's attention, setting a lively and somewhat unconventional tone. The presence of sparse distorted drums adds an intriguing layer of texture to the composition.

The drone undergoes subtle transitions, creating a sense of progression and keeping the piece dynamically engaging.

The title "Thread Organ" aptly seizes the essence of the track, as it weaves intricate threads around the listener's mind, inducing a hypnotic effect. At one point, I was watching the thread organ meander around me, hoping it doesn't consume me entirely.

Technically, I listened to a fine production, showcasing the artist's skill and attention to detail. The departure from the usual deep drone space commonly found in the genre makes it a refreshing and welcome change leading to an immersive ambient track away from beaten paths.


Suitable for: Experimental Ambient Lovers, Psychonauts



Thread Organ on Bandcamp


A Spider living in the Organ...

A Review by Chris Alias, May 26, 2023

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